
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy June Birthdays!

This weekend we celebrated my birthday and Father's Day. Our family enjoys dining on the patio and this was the perfect weekend to do so.
Friday my family treated me to a wonderful birthday dinner. While my husband and our 5 children worked the kitchen and the grill, I finished planting flowers around our house. We haven't done any formal landscaping since our remodeling project in 2006 - but the flower beds are all cut in. There are lots and lots of spots for summer blooms. I usually plant a few flowers the beginning of May - and then wait for the big sales the beginning of June to fill in and replace anything that isn't doing well. I'll share some photos after everything adjusts and grows in.

For dinner my family served antipasto, fillet mignon wrapped in bacon and shrimp. Dessert was a birthday cake with pretty blue roses on white frosting. At least I think so...I never got to take a good look at the my daughter was carrying it out of the house and across the porch - singing "happy birthday to you..."...the cake started sliding back and forth on the tray and......after a series of very comedic adjustment attempts on her part.....flipped off the tray and landed upside down right beside the patio table. It was a classic home video moment...unfortunately we were not filming so I don't have the video to share. Her arms swinging back and forth, the cake in mid air, the sound of the cake hitting the floor, the look on her face, the silence in the crowd as the singing stopped, and the out burst of laughter that followed... are sure to be recalled by family and friends for years to come

I have always enjoyed celebrating my birthday in the month of June. In south central Pennsylvania it is the first month of summer. The weather is usually just right - the spring chill and damp weather is finally gone and the summer heat has not set in yet. Summer nights, beach trips, gardening, swimming....have all newly returned to schedules and the end of school is just reason enough to add a celebratory mood to everyday life.
I wanted to wish everyone celebrating a birthday this month Happy Birthday. I am sharing my birthday bouquet with you!

1 comment:

  1. wow!! that daughter of your's must be a reall doof!! haha mom i love the blog especially the one about your birth day!!!:)
