
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Weekend visit to VMI, Lexington Virginia

This past weekend we visited VMI (Virginia Military Institute) in Lexington Virigina. This was one of several college visitation road trips our eldest son has planned this spring. He will be a senior in high school next year.

Virginia is a beautiful state. Everytime we visit or drive through the state I wished we lived there. Our time at the post was very impressive and motivational for our son. It remains his top pick on the college list. Next weekend we visit Drexel University in Philadelphia and Norwich in May. We hope to also check out the Naval Academy and West Point.

The photo is of a flowering tree (weeping cherry, I think) that was by the parade grounds at VMI. There were several trees in bloom.. I am anxious for gardens of central Pennsylvania to begin blooming. Flowers are one of my favorite photography subjects.

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